Halfway Junior School

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Upcoming Events  Summer 1

Monday 22nd April          Network Games at EIS

Thursday 25th April         Smoothie Bike

Friday 26th April              Food Bank Collection

Wednesday 1st May       Class Photographs


Monday 6th May Day Bank Holiday

Friday 10th May                         Y5 Class Assembly – parents invited

Wk Com Monday 13th May     Y6 SATs

Friday 24th May                         Y4/5 Rounders Festival

Friday 24th May                         Halfway Heroes Assembly


May Half-Term: Monday 27th May-Friday 31st May

Monday 3rd June School Re-opens

End of Year Report - Parents Feedback


"We are thankful to the staff for all their hard work"

"…has loved his first year at Halfway Juniors and can’t wait to get back in September. Thank you for helping him have such a great start. We appreciate all you have done, both in school and during lockdown"

"We are very proud of J and all his hard work this year"

"I am so proud of what he has achieved throughout his time at Halfway Juniors he really is a credit to me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of his teachers and teaching assistants for all their hard work"

"He’s come on so much since starting in the Juniors"

Click here for more feedback